I.S.S. Lip Dub
Here is an embedded version of the I.S.S. Lip Dub Project that we particpated in with other students and teachers throughout North America. Our class can be seen around the…
Here is an embedded version of the I.S.S. Lip Dub Project that we particpated in with other students and teachers throughout North America. Our class can be seen around the…
Here is a link to the playlist that we watched a bit from in class today: http://youtu.be/C8ZOgKIsqEA I am also embedding the playlist below. If you want to watch from…
Here is the link for the stop disasters game this week. Play this with an earthquake as your disaster. http://www.stopdisastersgame.org/en/
Here is a video that we partially viewed in class for writing and science. NANOYOU – Narrated by Stephen Fry from Neon Otter on Vimeo. This film is non-commercial and…
Squishy Circuits Website – The Squishy Circuits website has the directions for making conductive and non-conductive dough to use while making circuits!
During science we watched a video about the Mars Rovers. Here is some more information about Mars: Mars Education Program at ASU – This website from ASU has a lot…