Due Oct 5th: Topic
Due Oct 16th – Learning Object & References Sheet
During fall break, students will have the opportunity to learn about something that is of interest to them. Students can choose anything that is appropriate for school and will turn in their topic before the break and a learning object and reference sheet after the break. The learning object should show some of the content that they have learned during this project. The reference sheet should list where the information for the project was found.
Example Learning Objects: Radio Show Audio recording, student created video, essay, learning journal, Glogster.com poster, Prezi.com Presentation, Power Point Presentation, Google Earth Virtual Field Trip, Poster, etc. These are just example ideas. Students can create any learning object that shows their learning over fall break.
To see some examples of book reports made using some of these resources, please check the Student Showcase tab.
Prezi.com, Google Earth, Glogster.com, xtranormal.com, Audacity