I have been using a few different apps or devices to track a few things this year. I wear a FitBit Plus to track my steps and I use Runkeeper to track hikes while disc golfing and running, and I also use the Nike Running App to track runs.
Yes, I use both RunKeeper and the Nike app at the same time. I know this is probably more of a drain on my iPhone battery than it needs to be, but Runkeeper shows information on my watch. The Nike app looks better and more of my friends use it.
Steps – FitBit
This was the first full year that I wore a FitBit. I started the year with a FitBit Zip and ended the year with a FitBit Plus. Other than for some time in August, I wore it almost every day. I don’t really have anything to compare this with, but I thought that walking over 1,000 miles and more than 2.7 million steps was pretty decent for the year!
Walking / Hiking – Runkeeper
During the summer, and more frequently now in Phoenix, I play quite a bit of disc golf. While playing I try to remember to track my distance using the Runkeeper app on my phone. I tracked 20 walks during 2014. During 2015 I plan to do a better job of tracking the scores of those disc golf rounds.
Running – Nike Running App & Runkeeper
During 2014 I tracked 27 runs, 59.9 miles, and an average pace of 9:44 per mile. After taking a 10 year break from running, I started again in the spring, stopped in the summer while at camp, then decided to hit it up again during the end of December. I have continued through January and have some goals set for this year.
The Nike running app also gives me a breakdown of which days I ran the most on (Saturday with 5 runs tracked) and what time of the day I ran the most.
The Runkeeper app also does a nice job of giving some personal record breakdowns from those 27 runs. I didn’t run very far, or very fast, but I’m glad that I did start running again.
I plan to continue tracking 2015. The running has already increased (6 runs so far and over 20 total miles), which has also made the average day on my Fitbit increase somewhat. There is a small group of us that have been trying out the Nike Running app challenges, and after a learning curve of a start because of poor semantics in how their instructions are worded, I think it may be something that I continue to use to motivate myself to run more frequently this year!